Physics based destruction simulator inspired by Frogger by Luther, Dave Goel, and Didi.

Programming - Luther

Music - Dave Goel

Art - Didi

Consulting - Marcus Kim (Smoothie)

WASD / Arrow keys to move. Right click to use your tongue grapple. Left click to dash when in water. Rack up as high of a score as you can!

The gameplay turned out to be a lot easier than I had intended, partially because I ran out of time too add more challenging mechanics and partially because GameMaker 2 physics are broken in HTML5

This was the first game jam I've done without my good friend Leepic who I did my first game jam with many years ago. I also did not have my usual sound person as they were also busy. It was certainly an experience to work with completely a completely new (to me) artist and musician. It worked out in the end though! Leepic is hard at work making his own full game. Check it out if you have the time!


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When I first got hit by the car I was left laughing out loud for a good 10 seconds

This is pretty fun. Great twist on Frogger!